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my name is percy christel. i stand shorter than average, perhaps about five-foot-seven-inches. high cheekbones, i am told. eyes like a doe, some say, others not so much. ‘percy,’ they say to me, ‘percy, your eyes, i see malice in those orbitals,’ they say. i am not quite sure. i am never quite sure. emanations, to me, are my whole understanding of the world. does that make sense to you? i hope it does. i perceive, i compound emanations. vibes. the auras of things. do you get it now? i hope you do. okay. i digress. please understand. my skin is not pale, although i would like it to be, pale as the feathers of the swan; pale as paper, perhaps, or maybe a ghost, or some other such thing. my skin is, due to my heritage, something sandy and something tan. please understand. i have some scars, which i have named after those who have driven me to their infliction (upon myself). some are little, some are small, barely visible even, which correlates to the emotion invested into them and the person who had grieved me so. yes. understand. i wear double-bridged glasses shaped like teardrops. ‘aviators.’ untinted. i wear these glasses because i saw jeffrey dahmer wear them. i do not like jeffrey dahmer, but sometimes i do. understand. my hair is long, fluffy, and brown, lacking sheen, and not quite dark but not quite light. wavy. i ensure my hair hides those parts of my face i deem antithetical to my presentation. i must always present myself with elegance. this body is a temple to its onlookers, no matter the rot and mildew within, which there is much of. verily. there is not much else to say about my appearance.

Maasim Zarim is a collection of notes from my studies in high-level Kabbalah, Jewish gnosticism, Sabbateanism and its derivatives, and Gematria.

The thoughts and notations written here are by no means original, often directly transcribed from the sources I derive them from, and thus I lay no claim to them. My sole responsibility is their archival and collection into a holistic site for my own understanding primarily. I mainly use the OJB and derive my translations from the Chief Magician of Mystery Babylon, the most initiated Kabbalist of our generation, whom without this site would not be possible.