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What is Kabbalah?

Kabbalah is both esoteric and exoteric; esoteric vis-à-vis the Holy Mysteries, the Secret Wisdom of HaElohim, the Universe, etc; exoteric vis-à-vis the Bible, Midrashim, and Talmudim. The Holy Mysteries are synonymous with Kabbalah. Scripture is not taken at face value, but understood as a highly and divinely encoded and secretive. The Holy WORD are a collection of parables, which is why the WORD in the flesh, Yeshu HaMashiach, spoke in code and parables.

White Kabbalah

"And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answered them, Because to you it has been granted to have daas of the razim (mysteries) of the Malchut HaShomayim, but to those it has not been granted."
Mattiyahu 13:11

These mysteries are contained within Kabbalah, as Yeshu was a Kabbalist Grandmaster, and in his time esoteric Kabbalah was transmitted orally.
"Thou hast heard, look at all this; and will not ye preach it? I have caused thee to hear chadashot (new things) from this time, even netzurot (hidden things) and thou didst not know them.
Yeshayah 48:6
"Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee gedolot (great things) and unsearchable things, which thou knowest not."
Yirmeyah 33:3
If anyone presumes he has da'as of anything, he does not yet have da'as of the necessary da'as.
Kehillah in Corith I 8:2
White Kabbalah deals with the full knowledge and wisdom of the Godhead, the secrets of reincarnation (gilgulim) and the afterlife, names of angels and other powerful elohim, secret science and the art of astrology, and the secrets of the universe and creation.

Black Kabbalah

These are the Luciferian mysteries, which cover demonology, invoking demons and fallen elohim, and secrets and mysteries of the Luciferian kingdom. The theoretical aspect is understanding and having knowledge of these mysteries, which is encouraged in knowing one's enemies, but the practical and applied aspect is forbidden.