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"Let your eyes burn not into me because I am black, because the shemesh hath burned its eyes into me; bnei immi (my step-brothers) were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the kramim (vineyards); but mine own kerem (vineyard) have I not kept."

Shir Hashim 1:6

As above, so below. Shekinah is a "shoshan among thorns," (Shir Hashirim 2:2) separated from her husband and dwelling among shatanic archons, just as Yisrael is exiled among goyim. She is blackened with the sins of the sons of Yisrael, though beautiful from above; the shatanic elohim, archons, are angry with her, and she cannot keep her vineyard, the House of Yisrael, as to keep them safe, she must tend to the 70 principalities and their vineyards that her children find themselves exiled in. She blackens herself, too, to shield her children from the prosecutions of the archons who, if they saw her beauty, would seek to keep her divorced for eternity by recounting the many sins of Yisrael that in the first place caused the Sun, her Husband, to scorch her.

Shekinah is the Tefillin of the Master of The Universe, he who wears a phylactery is in her embrace, and this is why it is paramount to wear tefillin when praying the SH'MA, lest one risk glorifying Lilit, with 7 knots around the arm, signifying the lower 7 sfirot, striving for the Godhead's unity.